Palm Sunday (Apr 21) - 10am Morning Prayer with Liturgy of the Palms and Mass to Follow
Holy Monday (Apr 22) - 7pm Evensong
Holy Tuesday (Apr 23) - 7pm Evensong
Holy Wednesday (Apr 24) - 7pm Mass
Maundy Thursday (Apr 25) - 7pm Mass and stripping of the Altar; Vigil to follow
Good Friday (Apr 26) - 6:30pm Stations of the Cross; 7pm Solemn Presanctified Liturgy, Adortation of the Cross
Holy Saturday (Apr 27) - 11am Chrismations; 8pm Great Vigil and first Mass of Easter
Easter Sunday (Apr 28) - 10:30am Mass
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Earlier Event: April 6
Where We Come From, What We Believe, What We Do
Later Event: May 25
Cookout at Dale's